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Tuesday 15 November 2022

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competition refresher magazine subscription  CPEC is a part of Chinas most ambitious project Belt and Road Initiative. o The BRI launched in 2013 aims to link Southeast Asia Central Asia the Gulf region Africa and Europe with a network of land and sea routes. competition refresher magazine It will pave the way for China to access the Middle East and Africa from Gwadar Port enabling China to access the Indian Ocean and in return China will support development projects in Pakistan to overcome the latters energy crises and stabilising its faltering economy.  India has repeatedly registered its protests over CPEC. Indias objections and apprehensions over CPEC  Violation of Indias Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity competition refresher magazine pdf

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Wednesday 9 November 2022

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pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine Published this  E.g. Banknotes in circulation government deposits or net foreign assets come under autonomous factors while Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) come under reserve requirements. Major reasons behind the Banking System Liquidity deficitDisparity between credit growth and deposit growth at banks i.e. higher growth in bank credit against slower deposit growth in the last few months Hefty outflow of money due to advance tax payments by companies Aggressive pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine online purchase RBI measures to stem the fall in Rupee against the US dollar swallowing rupee from the banking system Ballooning government cash balances (estimated around 3 trillion) Rise in balance of payments deficit at capital account as well as at current account level Rise in discretionary spending by people due to the festive season among other reasons. Impact of Banking Liquidity DeficitIncrease in Deposit rates or Special Deposit Schemes from banks to get moneyIncreased cost of borrowed funds due to rise in Money Market Rates pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine subscription .    

Monday 7 November 2022

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Published article According to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in the last decade (2010-2020) on an average 5 people died in judicial custody every day.Corruption: Due to the closed nature of imprisonment and the inherent risk of insufficient public scrutiny possibilities of corruption remains high among prison staff. 8  o Activities like trafficking of mobile phones, drugs or weapons inside the prison walls in exchange for bribes poses threats to national security also.Vulnerability of women: Most of the women inmates are illiterate who are arrested on petty charges and they are not aware about legal procedures. They also remain particularly vulnerable to custodial sexual abuse. Way AheadAll India Prison Service: The All-India Committee on Jail Reforms (1980– 1983), under Justice A N Mulla recommended establishing an “Indian Prisons and Correctional Service" as a professional career service with griha shobha magazine in hindi

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Friday 4 November 2022

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published Article Over and above the TPDS allocation additional allocation was also given periodically to the states. This transitory allocation was to benefit APL population. But this allocation was issued at higher prices than the ones at BPL quota.  shine india monthly magazine In December 2000 the government launched Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) to benefit the poorest of the poor people. 25kg per month per household (increased to 35kg in 2002) was provided at the highly subsidised rate of Rs 2 per kg of wheat and Rs 3 per kg of rice shine india monthly magazine telugu.

Thursday 3 November 2022

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If tenant fails to vacate premises at the end of tenancy or on termination of tenancy by an order he will be liable to pay mahendra current affairs magazine subscription Twice the monthly rent for first two months and o Four times monthly rent subsequently till he occupies premises. Security Deposit  It has been capped to a maximum of two months rent for residential properties and minimum of six months rent for nonresidential property. Digital platform mahendra current affairs magazine free download 

Wednesday 2 November 2022

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Tuesday 1 November 2022

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 griha shobha magazine subscription Published this article  The magnitude of destruction caused by the Australian bushfire was hard to comprehend. More than 6.3 million hectares of land were affected by the fires. In 2019 the Amazon rainforest saw a surge in fires occurring in the rainforest. It may be mentioned that a large number of species have already become extinct. To recount the species we lost just in 2019 three bird species two frogs a shark a famous snail and one of the worlds largest freshwater fish were among those declared extinct in 2019. The outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong in 2002-03 that had killed nearly 800 persons globally was declared pandemic. We are facing the coronavirus pandemic that has engulfed the entire world and has adversely affected travel and trade resulted in the global slowdown and in fact recession in the economy. All these have led to the deprivation of the lower and middle class as well as daily wage earners of their means of livelihood. The 2020 California wildfires burned roughly 100 million acres of land. This triggered mass evacuations and caused deaths. Former US President Trump faced severe criticism for ignoring its linkage with climate change issues and failed to realise that it was not simply the issue of forest management but climate change. Earlier the US had withdrawn itself from the Climate Change Accord popularly known as Paris Agreement. Thankfully President Biden has reversed the decision and has also promised to spend $2 trillion over four years to escalate the use of clean energy and ultimately phase out the burning of oil gas and coal. These five events have given us signals that if ecology problems are not attended to urgently the world may not need world wars to destroy itself griha shobha magazine in hindi.

Monday 31 October 2022

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 Established Calcutta Public Library in 1836. LORD METCALFE (18351836) REPRESSIVE ACTIONS Death of Ranjit Singh (1839) during his tenure. Tripartite Treaty in 1838 between British  meri saheli magazine yearly subscription Shah Shuja and Ranjit Singh against Dost Muhammad Khan. First Afghan War (183842). This was a great blow to the prestige of British in India. Bank of Bombay was established in 1840. (This later became Imperial Bank of India and now SBI) meri saheli magazine price.

Sunday 30 October 2022

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Friday 28 October 2022

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Except for the increased allocation of subsidised rice wheat and pulses for the next three months most of the other provisions of this special scheme cover either only the rural households or only the below poverty line households in both rural and urban areas. They leave out millions of urban families that will be pushed into transient poverty by the COVID19 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown. There are certain market challenges as well which can disturb the food supply general knowledge refresher.

Thursday 27 October 2022

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 knowledge questions magazine in english As a result perishables are not reaching mandis processing units and households. It is imperative that food moves seamlessly across state borders which can happen only if the states work together. Many steps have been taken by various state governments. knowledge quest magazine subscription However there is little clarity on the logistics of these measures. For instance in Karnataka the government initially announced that food will be provided free of cost to the poor through staterun Indira Canteens. But after the lockdown was imposed it closed all such canteens to avoid large gatherings. An alternate plan was not chalked out till March 25 2020 knowledge quest magazine subscription details.

Tuesday 25 October 2022

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Nobel laureate AmartyaSen says that people face insecurity over a lifetime due to the deprivation of basic education. ASER findings amount to a distressing catalogue of the failures inherent in the pedagogic methods of instruction in vogue. competition success magazine The foremost among them is the overemphasis on a curriculum that is geared to 8 outcomes in the form of examination results at the expense of a process of learning that is oriented to a mastery of concepts competition success review magazine price.

Monday 17 October 2022

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Leveraging of data security in bilateral security disputes. Steps taken in IndiaPersonal Data Protection Bill 2019 that seeks to provide for protection of personal data of individuals and establishesmeri saheli magazine yearly subscription  a Data Protection Authority for the same.RBI directions to all system providers to ensure that entire data relating to payment systems operated by them is stored in a system only in India meri saheli magazine price.

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Saturday 15 October 2022

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It seeks to streamline existing regulations by simplifying the life cycle of a business and create an investorfriendly ecosystem by o Replacing redundant regulationsprocedures with simple and transparent rules. o Protection of property rights of business etc. Significance of EoDB  Boost entrepreneurship and economic growth through improved market efficiency and reduced regulatory burden.  Attract Foreign Investment by changing investor sentiments griha shobha magazine in hindi.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

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 csr gktoday MEDIATION BILL 2021 Why in news? Recently Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law and Justice recommended substantial changes to Mediation Bill 2021. About mediation  Mediation is a form of ADR available to parties. It is a voluntary process in which parties try to settle disputes with the assistance of an independent third person (the mediator). csr gktoday magazine subscription A mediator does not impose a solution on the parties but creates a conducive environment in which they can resolve their dispute. Key Highlights of the Mediation Bill 2021 Specifications Details Prelitigation mediation  Parties must attempt to settle civil or commercial disputes by mediation before approaching any court or certain tribunals best current affairs magazines