banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Relaxation magazine



 griha shobha magazine subscription Published this article  The magnitude of destruction caused by the Australian bushfire was hard to comprehend. More than 6.3 million hectares of land were affected by the fires. In 2019 the Amazon rainforest saw a surge in fires occurring in the rainforest. It may be mentioned that a large number of species have already become extinct. To recount the species we lost just in 2019 three bird species two frogs a shark a famous snail and one of the worlds largest freshwater fish were among those declared extinct in 2019. The outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong in 2002-03 that had killed nearly 800 persons globally was declared pandemic. We are facing the coronavirus pandemic that has engulfed the entire world and has adversely affected travel and trade resulted in the global slowdown and in fact recession in the economy. All these have led to the deprivation of the lower and middle class as well as daily wage earners of their means of livelihood. The 2020 California wildfires burned roughly 100 million acres of land. This triggered mass evacuations and caused deaths. Former US President Trump faced severe criticism for ignoring its linkage with climate change issues and failed to realise that it was not simply the issue of forest management but climate change. Earlier the US had withdrawn itself from the Climate Change Accord popularly known as Paris Agreement. Thankfully President Biden has reversed the decision and has also promised to spend $2 trillion over four years to escalate the use of clean energy and ultimately phase out the burning of oil gas and coal. These five events have given us signals that if ecology problems are not attended to urgently the world may not need world wars to destroy itself griha shobha magazine in hindi.

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